
ISRO’s Registered Space Tutor

Engage Your Child's Curiosity With Weekly DIY Science Club

For Ages 5-12

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STEM Kit Delivered To Your Home

24 DIY Projects - 6 Months

2 Live Science Shows / Month

Rewards & Certificates

Who is this club for? Kids of Age 5-12 who are

Budding Scientists

It is ideal for children who have a natural interest in scientific exploration and want to take their curiosity to the next level.

Curious Minds

If your child is always curious, wanting to explore and understand the world around them, this club will feed their thirst for knowledge.

Creative Problem Solvers

If your child enjoys finding innovative solutions and thinking outside the box, this club will enhance their problem-solving skills.

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Bonuses Worth
Rs 20,000

1. Access to a Private Online Community

* Join a Vibrant Community
* Share Project Results
* Exchange Ideas and Tips
* Access Exclusive Resources

2. VIP Discounts for Our Science Store

Exclusive Discounts for
* Science Kits
* Educational Toys
* DIY Books
* STEM Kits

3. How To Youtube With Kids (Course)

* How is YouTube unique from other social media?
* The power of YouTube
* Hacks to grow your YouTube channel
* What content should I post?
* What is Retention? (Keep this in mind for a viral video.)
* How YouTube can help your kid?

4. Access To STEM Parents Webinar

* Latest Scientific Discoveries
* Curated Educational Content
* Interactive Challenges and Quizzes
* Upcoming Events

What Parents Say About Jr Science Club

Samyutha's Mother

"She got selected in zonal level and State level competition for best out of waste project. There we have to send the materials which should be kids friendly, need your help"

Aadithya's Mother

"It will be very useful for next standard. Your team doing very hard work to make them understand. Including myself also learning madam, it’s very useful for me to teach my child in the future"

Official STEM Certificate

* Trusted Organization

Validation of STEM Skills

Enhanced Future Opportunities

Long-term Recognition

Competitive Advantage

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Ramya Yadava

Kids Experience Designer @ IESkool

Meet Ramya, the experienced facilitator behind Jr Science Explorer. With 5 years of teaching experience and a passion for STEM education, Ramya has created engaging STEM activities for over 100+ schools.

Ramya's dedication to hands-on learning has inspired countless children to develop a love for scientific exploration. Her expertise and innovative approach makes her the perfect guide for your child's journey into the fascinating world of science.

Join Jr Science Explorer today and let Ramya ignite your child's curiosity and unlock their full potential.

Unlock your child's potential with Jr Science Club

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Frequently Asked Questions

What age group is Jr Science Explorer suitable for?

Jr Science Explorer is suitable for children aged 5 - 10

Can my child participate if they have no prior experience with science experiments?

Yes, we welcomes all children. Our program caters to beginners and those with prior exposure, offering a fun and engaging learning experience for everyone.

What materials are needed for the weekly science challenges?

In This Subscription, the kit will be delivered to your home.

How much time will my child need to dedicate to Jr Science Explorer each week?

Time commitment varies based on project complexity and child's pace. We recommend 1-2 hours weekly for Jr Science Explorer, adjustable to suit your child's interests and schedule.

Are the experiments safe to conduct at home?

Absolutely safe! Clear instructions provided for home experiments. Adult supervision encouraged for younger children's enjoyable learning.

Can multiple children from the same household participate together?

Certainly! Multiple children from the same household can participate together, fostering collaborative learning and fun exploration of science.

What happens if my child misses a week or is unable to complete a project?

No worries! If your child misses a week or a project, they can resume when ready. Jr Science Explorer offers flexibility, allowing kids to learn at their own pace and enjoy the journey.


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